March 3rd to 6th, 2010 (4pm to 9pm) : Lenten Retreat at St. Dominic's Church, ASHOKNAGAR-Mangalore diocese
- Report by Yesu Sparsha Team
The retreat was preached by Fr. Franklin D'Souza, Bro T.K. George. Bro. William (music) of 'Yesu Sparsha' retreat team.
Topics were : Praise and worship its importance, Word of God, Reconciliation, Inner Healing, Sin and its consequence, repentance brings healing, Family life, Honor your father and mother, Forgiveness and Eucharist, Parish community and unity, Pius associations and its importance, Mother Mary and Catholic Church, be my witnesses.
Confessions were arranged on Friday 6th from 3pm to 5pm
Attendence day-wise:
on 3rd - 400
on 4th -500
on 5th -650
on 6th -800
