March 22nd to 24th 2010 (5 pm to 8 pm): Retreat at St. Joseph, the worker Church, VAMANJOOR- Mangalore
- Report by Yesu Sparsha Team
Preacher : Fr Franklin D'Souza
Topics: Repent and believe, Healing in the NAME of JESUS, Confession and its importance.
Individual confession was arranged on 23rd.
On the last day, Fr Franklin offered thanksgiving Eucharist, then he spoke how Jesus removed our curses. Even now when we go against the Word of God, we are attacked by curses
- Against God, Exodus 20:1-3; 23:25; Romans 1:18-32
- Against Parents, Exodus 20:12; Sirach 3:1-17
- Against God�s chosen one�s, Psalm 105:15; Hebrews 13:7,17
- One tenth, Malachi 3:8-10
Fr Joseph Cardoza, the Parish priest thanked the team.
