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July 3,2020 : His Excellency Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao, Bishop of Shimoga today ordained Deacon Kanicksamy Vijaya Kumar, Deacon Joy Jolson Andrade and Deacon Paul Crasta at Infant Jesus Church, Sharavatinagar, Shivamogga.

Ordination ceremony began at 10am. 36 Priests took part in the ceremony. Due to Covid-19 , numbers were strictly restricted. Only family members of the Deacons were allowed. It was a very meaningful ceremony. In his homily, Bishop Francis referred the life of St. Oscar Romero and asked candidates to focus on Mission of Jesus. He also enumerated joy of priestly ministry. He specifically asked grace of God to lead these candidates.

Rev. Msgr Felix Joseph Noronha - Vicar General of the Diocese, Rev. Fr Stany D'souza - Chancellor of the Diocese, Rev. Fr Ronald Veigas - Dean of Vianney Deanery, Rev. Fr Anthony Peter - Dean of Little Flower Deanery, Rev. Fr Biju Thomas - Judicial Vicar and Rev. Fr Ronald D'Cunha - Procurator of the Diocese were present.

Rev. Fr Stephen Maxi Albuquerque - Parish Priest of Infant Jesus Church and host led the choir together with Fr Lawrence D'souza and Fr Santosh Almeida.

After the Ordination ceremony, a simple felicitation was held. Bishop Francis felicitated the newly ordained priests as well as their parents. Fr Roman Pinto compered the programme.

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