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May 21st 2016 : Fr. Franklin D'Souza, Took charge as Parish Priest of Shrine of Our Lady of Health, Harihar.

May 21st at 5:30pm Out going Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Stany D'Souza, together with Parish Council members as well as parishioners and pilgrims welcomed Fr. Franklin D'Souza with garland and Arati near the Shrine gate. Inside the Shrine Fr. Stany D'Souza handed over the Stole, Bible, Tabernacle Key, account statements of the Church and Parishioners survey book to newly appointed Parish Priest Fr. Franklin D'Souza. Fr. Franklin took Oath on the Bible and professed profession of faith in front of Bishop's representative Fr. Steven D'Sa, Parish Priest of St. Thomas Church, Davanagere. Parish Council members; Mr. Antony Cruz, Mr. Gnana Prakash, Mr. Arogyaswamy Suresh, Mr, Anthony, Mrs. Leena Suvares, Mr. R. Sebastian, Mr. Arogyaswamy, Mrs. regina Lobo and Mr. R.S. John received lighted candles from the newly installed Parish Priest. 

Fr. Franklin D'Souza led the novena and offered the Holy Eucharist. after the Holy Mass Parish Council Secretary Mr. Gnana Prakash welcomed Fr. Franklin and thanked Fr. Stany D'Souza in a simple program.

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