February 16,2021 : Pastoral Course for the Fourth year theologians on Charismatic Spirituality was led by Fr Franklin D'Souza at St. Peter's Pontifical Institute, Bangalore.
At 8:45 am Dean Fr Anthony Dias welcomed Fr Franklin D'Souza. Fr Franklin D'Souza spoke on origin of Charismatic Spirituality, it's recognition from the holy See and in India by CBCI. He also explained importance of prayer groups and how we need to support the faithful.
He shared his own experience in this line of Spirituality, how Word of God gives meaning to one's life. He told that we are all at the service of the Word of God. Hence we should not bypass it in our mission. We are called by the Lord Jesus to be messengers of hope for the people. Hence we shouldn't be afraid any type of forces that we face.
At 11:30 am KRSC Chairman Bro. Simon Rodrigues from Bangalore shared his experience of Charismatic Spirituality and he told the theologians what is the expectation that laity have from them.
In the final session Fr Franklin D'Souza spoke on how to conduct retreats based on the Word of God. He explained it with examples.