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Mangalore: On October 14 & October 15, 2022, St. Aloysius PU College, Mangalore organised two days Spiritual Orientation program for the Catholic students at Divine Mercy Chapel, Fatima Retreat House, Jeppu, Mangalore

On October 14th at 9am Fr Sujay Daniel SJ campus coordinator welcomed the gathering. Mr. Avinash was the Emcee of the inaugural program.

Rev. Fr Clifford Sequeira SJ, Principal of St Aloysius PU College inaugurated the retreat and asked the students to make best use of the retreat. He stressed on internal transformation.

Fr Franklin D’Souza and Bro. Raghu led the retreat. Ms. Corine Rasquinha and team led the Music ministry. Resource team was introduced to the students by Ms Marina, Ms Sheetal and Ms Jessica.

At 9.30am Mrs Corine Rasquinha together with the Gospel band led the Praise and Worship. At 10am she shared her testimony.

After the break at 10:45am Bro. Raghu shared how he experienced Jesus in his life and shared Jesus Christ is the saviour from the Bible. At 12pm Fr Franklin D’Souza offered Holy Eucharist with Fr Sujay Daniel Sj. In his homily Fr Franklin D’Souza spoke on “Looking in to one’s own conscience”. He said that retreat will help us to form right conscience in the light of the Word of God. He based his teaching on Mark 6:14-29.


















After the lunch break at 1:45pm Ms. Corine Rasquinha and team led the Praise and Worship. Then at 2:30pm Bro. Raghu led a session on “Sin and its consequences”. At 3:30pm Fr Franklin D’Souza led the healing adoration together with the team. Retreat concluded at 4:30pm.

On October 15th retreat began at 9am with Praise and Worship led by Ms. Corine Rasquinha and team. At 9:30am Fr Franklin D’Souza prepared students for confessions. He based his teaching on Romans 1:18-32.

After the short break at 10:45am Blessed Sacrament was exposed and nearly 40 priests helped in the confessionals. After the healing prayers adoration was concluded with the benediction.

After the lunch break at 1:45pm Ms. Corine Rasquinha and team led the Praise and Worship. 2pm Bro. Raghu spoke on follow up after the retreat. 3pm Fr Sujay Daniel SJ offered thanksgiving Holy Eucharist and thanked God for the retreat.

At the end of the retreat, Campus Coordinator Fr Sujay Daniel SJ thanked the preachers Fr Franklin D’Souza from the Diocese of Shimoga and Bro. Raghu from Bangalore. He also thanked vibrant Music ministry led by Ms. Corine Rasquinha and members who helped in singing Ms. Gina Rasquinha, Mr. Dylan Calderia and Ms. Belisha Rego, Gospel band members; Russell Rodrigues, Milton, Aaron and Yohan Rodrigues.

Thousand Four hundred Catholic Students were part of the retreat.

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