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Shivamogga, September 2, 2024: Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza, Diocesan Youth Director and Diocesan Director for the Renewal Services led the one day preparatory retreat at Our Lady Velanganni Church, Old Town Bhadravati, Diocese of Shimoga on September 1st 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Retreat was organised as the part of spiritual preparations for the Annual Feast of the Parish.

Rev. Fr Steven D'Sa, Parish Priest welcomed Fr Franklin D'Souza. Retreat began with the rosary at 8:30am. Then Fr Franklin D'Souza together with the Church Choir group led the Praise and Worship.

His first talk was based on Mathew 6:25-34; "Don't be anxious in your lives". He spoke on how God's intervention takes place in our lives. He said that we have to seek the Kingdom of God first, then everything will be added unto it.

In his Second talk he based on Luke 16:19-31; "The Rich Man and Lazarus". He said what are the Chasm that we fix being followers of Christ Jesus and we lose our eternity. He invited to "Repent and Believe" in Jesus and his message.








After the lunch break at 2pm he prepared the congregation for Confessions. 2:30pm Six Priests helped the faithful in the confessionals. 4pm Fr Franklin D'Souza led the healing service and prayed for the various intentions. With the benediction at 4:30pm retreat was concluded.

At 5:30pm faithful led the Rosary. Fr Franklin D'Souza led the Holy Eucharist of 4th day Novena together with the Parish Priest Fr Steven D'Sa.

He preached a sermon on "Mother Mary is the Apostole of Prayer". Based on the Sundays readings he developed the theme of importance of Prayer in our lives. Special focus on the day was the Youth. End of the Holy Eucharist he prayed for the Youth and gave the benediction.

Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Steven D'Sa thanked Fr Franklin D'Souza for the retreat and Novena Mass. He together with the parishioners honoured Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza as he completed his Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee this year.


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