March 13, 2022: Second days Lenten retreat at Christ the King Church, Jogfalls, Diocese of Shimoga, began at 9am with Praise and Worship led by Bro. William D'Souza and Bro. T. K. George. At 9:45am Sis. Manjula Joy spoke on "Commandments". At 110:15am Fr Franklin spoke on "forgiveness and Holy Spirit". At 11:15am Bro. William led the singing. At 11:30pm Bro. T. K. George spoke on "Repentance and honouring once parents".
After the lunch break at 1:45pm Praise and worship led by Fr Franklin D'Souza and Bro. William D'Souza, then Holy Eucharist was exposed. Confessions began at 2pm in the Church hall. Meantime Adoration was led by Bro. William D'Souza, Bro. T. K. George and Pro-life Manjula Joy.
At 4pm Fr Franklin D'Souza celebrated Holy Eucharist.
After the Mass Parish Priest Fr Ronald Vegas thanked the Yesusparsha Retreat Team for preaching a meaningful Retreat.
Retreat concluded at 5pm.