March 18, 2022: Yesusparsha Retreat Team led by Fr Franklin D'Souza began their three days retreat at Immaculate Conception Church, New Town Bhadravati.
At 9am Bro. William D'Souza and Bro. T. K. George led the Praise and Worship. Then at 10:30am Prolife Manjula Joy shared her testimony. At 11:30am Bro. T. K. George spoke on "Cross is the symbol of victory".
After the lunch break at 1:30pm Fr Franklin D'Souza and Bro. William D'Souza led the Praise and Worship. Then at 2:30pm Prolife Manjula Joy spoke on " Christian Hope". At 3:15pm Fr Franklin D'Souza took a session on "Importance of the Word of God,". Then at 4 pm he led the healing adoration. At 5pm was the Holy Eucharist by Fr Franklin D'Souza. At 5:30pm Parish Priest Fr Barthalomeo Lancy D'Souza led the way of the cross.
Parish Priest Fr Lancy D'Souza welcomed the team.