March 29, 2022: Second days Retreat at Infant Jesus Shrine, Vivekangara, Archdiocese of Bangalore, began at 5pm with Rosary led by Sis. Manjula Joy. Then Bro. T. K. George and Bro. William D'Souza led their Praise and Worship. At 5:45pm Sis. Manjula Joy spoke on "Importance of human life and Prolife".
At 6:30pm Praise and Worship was led by Fr Franklin D'Souza and Bro. William D'Souza. At 6:45pm Bro. T. K. George spoke on "Sin and Repentance". At 7:30pm Fr Franklin D'Souza celebrated Holy Eucharist. He preached a homily on "forgiveness and healing" based on John 5:1-16. At 8:30pm healing adoration was led by Fr Franklin D'Souza and team.
Retreat concluded at 9pm.