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Mangalore, October 12, 2022 : St. Agnes Degree College organised Two days Spiritual Renewal Program October 12 &13 for the Catholic Students of the College.

On October 12th Sr. Venessa Principal of St. Agnes Degree College welcomed the resource team consisting of Fr Franklin D'Souza, Mrs. Corine Rasquinha, Mrs. Zina Rasquinha, Mr. Dylan Calderia and Mr. Sanjay.

At 9am retreat began with praise and worship led by Mrs. Corine Rasquinha and team. At 10am Fr Franklin D'Souza spoke on "importance of the Word of God and Its implementation in the lives of the people". Then at 11am Mrs. Corine Rasquinha shared her testimony. At 11:45am Fr Franklin D'Souza led the Holy Eucharist and preached a homily on "Repentance brings healing".

After the lunch break at 1:30pm Mrs. Corine Rasquinha and team led the Praise and Worship. At 2pm Fr Franklin D'Souza spoke on "Reconciliation brings healing". From 2:45 pm Eucharistic Adoration was led by Fr Franklin D'Souza and team.

Retreat concluded at 3:45pm.

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