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Udupi, March 9, 2023 : Yesu Sparsha Retreat Team led by Fr Franklin D’Souza preached four days Lenten Retreat at Mother of Sorrows Church, Udupi, Diocese of Udupi. Bro. T. K. George, Prolife Manjula Joy and Bro. Harshith Castelino (music) were part of the team. Parish Priest Fr Charles Menezes welcomed the team.

Retreat began on March 6th and concluded on March 9th. Retreat timings were 4pm to 8pm.

Everyday retreat started with Praise and Worship led by Fr Franklin D’Souza and Bro. Harshith Castelino. Four days talks were on Word of God, God's love and testimony, Meaning of Lent and it's importance, Sin and its consequences, Repentance, Prolife, Prayer life, Holy Spirit and Biblical blessings.

Confessions were organised on March 8th 5pm to 6pm. Fourteen Priests helped in the confessionals.

Every day at 7pm was the Adoration and 7:30pm was the Holy Eucharist.

On the final day Parish Priest Fr Charles Menezes thanked the Yesusparsha team members for a meaningful retreat. He also thanked all those who worked for the success of the retreat.

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