May 24th 2018; Yesusparsha team led by Fr Franklin D'Souza, Bro. T. K. George, Prolife Manjula Joy and Bro William D'Souza (Music) began their three days retreat at Rakshanagiri Shrine, Gogunte, Mulabagilu Archdiocese of Bangalore.
At 6pm Parish Priest Fr Arogyanathan MSFS welcomed the team. Then there was rosary procession. At 7pm Fr. Jerome MSFS hoisted the flag and blessed the gathering.
7:30pm Bro T K George, Prolife Manjula Joy and Bro William D'Souza led the Praise and Worship. At 8pm Fr Franklin D'Souza celebrated Holy Eucharist and Preached on "Power of Adoration and Word of God".
At 9:45pm Eucharistic Adoration led by the team. T 10:30pm food was given to every one. There was mighty anointing upon the people.