December 1, 2018; Yesusparsha team led by Fr Franklin D'Souza, Bro. T K George and Bro. William D'Souza began two days Retreat at Shrine of Our Lady of Health, Harihar, Diocese of Shimoga. Retreat began at 4:30pm with Praise and Worship led by Bro. T K George and Bro.William D'Souza. 5:30 pm to 6:15pm Bro. T K George spoke on "Importance of Advent according to the Bible". At 6:15pm Shrine Rector Fr Anthony Peter led the novena. At 6:30pm Fr Franklin D'Souza offered Holy Eucharist and Preached on "Love of God is the powerful language of God. His love is compassionate love". At 7:30pm Mantap prayers led by Fr Anthony Peter. Retreat came to an end with praying over the people.