December 7, 2018; Yesusparsha team led by Fr Franklin D'Souza began their three days retreat at Infant Jesus Church, Sharavati Nagar. Retreat began at 9am with Praise and Worship led by Bro William D'Souza and Bro T K George. At 10:45am Prolife Manjula Joy shared her testimony and aoome on God's love for us. At 11:45am Fr Franklin D'Souza spoke "How Jesus removed us from darkness" he based his Preaching on Cololtians 1:13-14. After the lunch break Bro T K George and Bro William D'Souza led the Praise and Worship. Then Bro. T K George spoke on "reconciliation". At 3:30pm Fr Franklin D'Souza led the Eucharistic Adoration and team prayed for the healing. At 4:30pm Holy Eucharist was Celebrated by Fr Franklin D'Souza. Parish Priest Fr Stephen Maxi Albuquerque welcomed every one.