Third day's retreat at Jeevan Jyoti Ashram, Burari, Archdiocese of Delhi
September 23rd , 2018 : Third and final days Konkani Retreat at Jeevan Jyoti Ashram Burari Archdiocese of Delhi began at 9:30am with Rosary and Praise and Worship led by Bro William D'Souza. At 10:30am Bro Prakash D'Souza spoke on "Family life". After the break at 12pm Fr Franklin D'Souza Celebreted Holy Eucharist and Preached on "Forgiveness and Eucharist".
After the lunch break at 2:15pm Bro William D'Souza led the Praise and Worship. At 2:45pm Fr Franklin D'Souza took a talk on "Biblical blessings and anointing of the Holy Spirit". At 4:15pm he led the anointing Adoration. Special prayers were held for the parents and children, couples, widower and windows and for teh Youth. At 5pm Retreat came to an end.on behalf of the Konkani community Mr. Vincent Menezes thanked the team.
Rev. Fr. Philiph Franky D’Souza Mobile: +91 9013905078 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
BRO. T.K. GEORGE MOBILE : 98453-00074 Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.