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Chitradurga, Hiriyur, January 15, 2023: Eleven children received the first Holy Communion at Our Lady of Assumption Church, Hiriyur, Chitradurga District, Diocese of Shimoga on January 15th.

Parish Priest Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza together with the Co Pastor Rev. Fr Alphonse Nelson D'Souza celebrated Holy Eucharist. Fr Nelson preached a inspiring homily on Eucharist and its importance in the life of the faithful.

Fr Franklin D'Souza gave the Holy Communion to the eleven. At the end of the Holy Eucharist Fr Nelson D'Souza blessed the Rosary and Scaplour and distributed to the children. Fr Franklin D'Souza gave the certificates.

Fr Franklin D'Souza and Sr Alwyn SAB prepared the children by teaching them the catechism from last three months.

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