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January 17, 2024: Annual feast of St. Sebastian's Church, Soraba, Diocese of Shimoga celebrated on Jan 17th at 10:30am.

Silver Jubilarian Fr Stephen Maxi Albuquerque, Chancellor and Parish Priest of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Tirthahalli was the main celebrant. Another Silver Jubilarian Fr Franklin D'Souza, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Assumption Church, Hiriyur, Chitradurga District preached the homily. In his homily Fr Franklin D'Souza spoke about 'courageous faith'. He cited some examples which was apt for the feast.

On Tuesday evening Fr Franklin D'Souza celebrated Holy Eucharist and blessed the Chariot of St. Sebastian. Faithful gathered in big number for the procession.

Parish Priest Fr Robert D'Mello, thanked everyone. Together with his parishioners he felicitated Jubilarians Fr Stephen and Fr Franklin D'Souza.





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