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June 3, 2024: Assumption School Management organised Teachers Orientation program for Assumption School Teachers on May 31st and June 1st, 2024.

Rev. Fr Anil D'Sa SDB, Director of Don Bosco Yuva Spandana, Yuvakara Grama, Bengaluru was the resource person. Manager and Corresspondent Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza welcomed Fr Anil D'Sa and introduced him to the teachers. He also led a prayer for the success of the Orientation program.

Assumption English High School HM Rev. Fr Alphonse Nelson D'Souza spoke Introductory words regarding importance of the teachers Orientation in the beginning of the School year.

First day resource person took the session on "Role of Teachers in moulding the lives of the students". Being the best that I can be as a human being. If I am good whole world is good. He led them with different activities.


















Second day he dealt on "Seven habits of a highly effective teachers". Based on the book of Steven Covey. He also spoke on ten core life skills. Thinking skills, inter personal skills, coping with emotions, coping with problems, decision making, communication, interpersonal relationships, empathy.

He conducted different activities regarding Commitment, Hard work, Enthusiasm, Positive attitude, Patience, Prayer etc.

Program concluded on June 1st 4:30pm. Rev. Fr Alphonse Nelson D'Souza thanked Fr Anil D'Sa SDB for helping the teachers through his Orientation program.

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