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Shivamogga, October 13, 2024: The Youth Commission of the Diocese of Shimoga convened the Youth Council Meeting and Planning Session for the Jubilee Year 2025. The event took place from 900 AM to 4:00 PM on October 12th, 2024 at the Yuvamitra office, located within the Sacred Heart Cathedral Campus in Shivamogga.
The program commenced with registration and breakfast at 9:00 AM, followed by the gathering of forty-five youth leaders representing the four deaneries of the diocese. At 10:00 AM, Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza, the Diocesan Youth Director, led the prayer, while Mr. Loyola D'Souza from Tirthahalli performed the reading of the Word of God. Subsequently, Fr Franklin D'Souza invoked blessings for the council and planning meeting.
The Diocesan Youth Secretary, Ms. Shalen Infanta, extended a warm welcome to the Diocesan Youth Director, Rev. Fr. Franklin D'Souza; Diocesan Youth Lady Animator Sr. Tresa Lidya; Carmel Deanery Youth Lady Animator Sr. Jayanti; ICYM President Ms. Priya Maria D'Souza; and all attendees of the council.
In his address, Fr. Franklin D'Souza inspired the youth by discussing the divine calling and the Diocesan Youth Mission within the Diocese of Shimoga. He underscored the significance of active participation and effective dissemination of the message at the grassroots level, rather than adopting a passive role. He urged the youth to fortify the parish youth units and motivate them to embrace value-based leadership.
After the animation, Ms. Priya Maria D'Souza, ICYM Diocesan Youth President, led the Council meeting.
Agenda of the 'Youth Council Meet'
* Prayer
* Welcome
* Director's message
* Yuvachethana yaatre
* Darshana patti
* Yuva saurabha and yuvasarvottama
* Attendance book and reporting system
* Elections
* Membership fees (Rs. 1000 per unit)
* Concluding program of the Youth Year 2024
* Parish activities and plans
* Moggu youth magazine
During the 1:00 PM Mass, Father Franklin D'Souza led the Holy Eucharist and delivered a sermon based on the passage from Mark 10:17-22. He highlighted the significance of the question posed by the rich man, "What must I do to inherit the kingdom of God?" and emphasized its relevance to each individual. Father D'Souza acknowledged that we all have similar inquiries in our minds and encouraged us to reflect on our own paths. He stressed the importance of making radical decisions to relinquish worldly attachments and follow Jesus if we desire to follow him or discern a higher calling. He reminded us that through Baptism, we are called to follow Jesus, and that the Youth Mission is a divine mission entrusted to us. Father D'Souza emphasized the need for self-reliance and firm decision-making as we follow the Lord. He concluded by urging us not to hesitate in following and witnessing for Jesus.
Following the luncheon, Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza facilitated group discussions centered around the Jubilee Year 2025. The young attendees provided valuable recommendations for both the parish and the diocese.
Sr. Tresa Lidya and Sr. Jayanti delivered concluding remarks, and subsequently, Ms. Priya Maria D'Souza expressed gratitude to all participants. The program concluded at 4:00 p.m.




























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