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Sept 2, 2015 : ICYM National Office bid farewell to Fr. Franklin D'Souza. He served the National Youth Movement from 2011 to 2015. Mr Roshan Alexander the first ICYM President was the chief guest. Present NEXCO and previous office bearers were present. Fr. Franklin D'Souza offered thanksgiving mass at ICYM home Patelnagar. Fr. Deepak K J Thomas thanked God for the gift of Fr. Franklin. NEXCOs felicitated Fr. Franklin as he moves out of the office, they also welcomed Rev. Fr. Deepak K J Thomas and felicitated Fr. Chetan Machado as he is appointed as YCS/YSM National Chaplain. Fr. Franklin D'Souza thanked the NEXCO and other previous leaders. Mr. Leo D'Rozario compared the program. Mr. Cyril thanked every one. 

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