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September 29, 2023: Bishop Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of Diocese of Shimoga organised annual Clergy Retreat for his Diocesan Priests from September 24 Sunday, 6pm to 29 Friday 1pm at Sannidhi - Shimoga Diocesan Pastoral Renewal Centre. Rev. Fr Joseph Abraham CSsR preached the Retreat.

On September 24th at 6:30pm all the Clergy of the Diocese of Shimoga gathered at conference hall. Fr Lawrence D'Souza led the Clergy in to opening prayer. Bishop Francis Serrao SJ, welcomed the preacher and the Clergy. Fr Eugene Lobo SJ, introduced the preacher.

Preacher began with Genesis 3:8 asking the question "WHERE ARE YOU?". He said that this retreat is an inner journey retreat. This question tells us that God loves you. During adoration at 7pm he took the passage from Luke 18:35 - 43; blindman who cried to Jesus and Jesus restored his eye sight.

On September 25th, Day began with Morning Prayer and meditation by the preacher on Psam 63. In his talks he spoke on Encounter with God which leads to God experience. Bishop Francis Serrao SJ celebrated the Holy Eucharist and prayed for the deceased priests of the Diocese of Shimoga. During the Holy Eucharist preacher preached a homily on feeding the five thousand. Point of his homily was "Compassion always brings forth a miracle". After noon he spoke on "Mary's Heart in the Martha's world". Day concluded with Adoration 7pm.

On September 26th, preacher dealt on "following Jesus" that's about the Vocation which we have received as a Priest. He asked the question that whether Am I a fan or a follower of Jesus?. He explained how one can be a disciple of Jesus. Afternoon he dealt with "The Priestly Journey ". In which he spoke on Self focus, Mission focus and God focus. Rev. Fr George K A celebrated the Holy Eucharist and all offered Mass for the intentions of Propoganda Fide.

On September 27th he began the day with meditation on psalm 51; sin and conversion. In his morning talks he dealt on "Forgiveness and reality of wound". Confessions were organised afternoon. At 7pm he led inner healing adoration. Rev. Fr Santhosh D'Cunha celebrated the Holy Eucharist and all the Clergy offered Mass for the benefactors of the Diocese.

On September 28th, preacher spoke on the topic; "Who am I ?". Made us to realise who we are and our call. Afternoon he took a session on "Forget the former things, Do not dewll on the fast" from Isaiah 43:18. Based on this passage he took a session on inner healing. At 7pm he led inner healing as well as anointing Adoration. Rev. Msgr Felix Joseph Noronha celebrated the Holy Eucharist.


























On 29th during morning meditation preacher led the group by explaining Psalm 84. During his main talk at 9am he dealt on,
Purity & Celibacy : Spirituality of Celibacy and at 11am he spoke on Prayer: how much you have found home in God.

Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ celebrated Holy Eucharist and thanked the Lord for the Grace of the retreat. Monsignor Felix Joseph Noronha thanked the retreat preacher and specially Fr Duming Dias the director of the Sannidi.

Retreat got over at 1pm.

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