Retreat at Infant Jesus Shrine at Bikarnakatte, Mangalore
July 5th, 2015 : Yesu Sparsha Team preached retreat at Infant Jesus Shrine at Bikarnakatte, Mangalore. Retreat began at 3pm. Bro. T. K. George took session on "Jesus the Healer". Then Fr. Franklin D'Souza preached on "Faith in the Lord Jesus". At 5pm adoration was led by Fr. Franklin D'Souza. 6pm Holy mass was offered. people were present in large numbers.
Rev. Fr. Philiph Franky D’Souza Mobile: +91 9013905078 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
BRO. T.K. GEORGE MOBILE : 98453-00074 Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.