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Hiriyur December 25, 2022: Christmas was celebrated in a grand manner at Our Lady of Assumption Church, Hiriyur, Chitradurga District, Diocese of Shimoga

Christmas celebration began with Carol Singing in the Church by the Church Choir.

Parish Priest Franklin D'Souza offered festal Mass at midnight 12am. During Gloria he kept the image of Jesus in the Crib, this was beautifully prepared by the Youth of the Parish. In his homily Fr Franklin explained the meaning of the various symbols of Christmas namely; Crib, Christmas Tree, Christmas Candle, Christmas bell, Christmas wishing cards, Santa claus and about the date December 25th how it evolved the Birth day of Jesus.

He also said that Christmas is feast of Salvation offered by God to the humanity. Christmas is festival of light which removes the darkness. Christmas is God's humility manifested in littleness. Christmas is God's love to save the world.

After the mass faithful gathered in front of the Church. Fr Franklin D'Souza celebrated the Christmas by cutting the cake. Then cake was distributed to all the faithful.

As part of Christmas preparation Carol Singing was organised from December 11th to 16in the families of the Parish. December 17th & 18th Christmas preparation retreat was organised for the parishioners and spiritually prepared them for the Birth of Jesus.

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