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February 15, 2025: Bishop Robert Miranda, Episcopal Advisor of KRSC inaugurated the third annual Karnataka Regional Service of Communion (KRSC) orientation program on February 14th at Sannidhi, Shivamogga.

The Program began at 4pm with praise and worship led by Br. Bala Cyril and Br. Elias Coelho. At 4:30 KRSC team led the prayer. Br. Thomas Chinnappa read the Word of God and KRSC Spiritual Director Fr Franklin D'Souza gave reflection on the Word of God. Br. Abhishek, Br. Elias Coelho, Br. Thomas Chinnappa and Coordinator Br. Cheriyan Ramapuram led the prayer of the faithful.

In his keynote address, Bishop Robert Miranda articulated that we are both followers and disciples of Lord Jesus, obligated to share the gifts we have received. Furthermore, we are called to bear witness and proclaim the Gospel.

He also highlighted the spirit of Charismatic Christians, emphasizing their readiness to assist the Church through self-motivated action guided by the Holy Spirit. He characterized renewal as a positive movement inspiring Christians to elevate their contributions to the faith.

He engaged with participants to identify challenges within the renewal ministry, providing appropriate guidance. He further encouraged participants to actively participate in the Church, the Body of Christ, fostering unity among all members, including those who have left.

Bishop Robert Miranda blessed the gathering together with the priests and religious sisters.

At 6:45 PM, the Holy Eucharist was offered by Monsignor Philip Kutty, Vicar General of the Diocese of Belgaum and spiritual director of the renewal ministry, who also offered prayers for the orientation's success.

Fr. Franklin D'Souza preached the Sermon on Mark 6:14-29. He spoke of leadership based on truth according to Christ's way and accompaniment in renewal ministry. He also reminded us all to examine our consciences. He said that some people live with a dead conscience like Herodias, an evasive conscience like Herodias' daughter, or a wavering conscience like Herod. But we should be like John the Baptist, who stood for the truth, spoke the truth vehemently, and faced everything with a courageous conscience.

After supper at 8:45 p.m., the Rosary was held in the chapel. Then, Adoration was led by Br. Cheriyan Ramapuram and his team. The day's program concluded at 9:45 p.m.

Orientation is for three days. This will be concluded on Sunday, February 16th, by 2pm.

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